Blog Post #1 Colleges Challenges

Good Morning, 

    My names is Alex Ronca, I actually just recently started college this year. Growing up in a single parent household was a huge struggle and burden on all of my immediate family. We barely made enough money to stay afloat but we did it. When I was 17 I graduated my nearby high school and after getting terrible grades I figured I'd go straight into the work force. I was working at a production plant where I made Bounty Paper Towels making very good money but I was still a young and dumb kid so I didn't really care about safety and I ended up getting fired, 4 jobs and 2 years later I'm at where I am now, working as a 911 Dispatcher with my own father (that can be a challenge in and of itself). I figured I wanted to change my life around and I joined my local union and found out about their college program so I figured why not go major in cyber Security so here I am now.


    Some of the biggest challenges I've faced while in college so far were very few since this is only my fourth week but I digress. The main challenge I've faced is trying to balance a school and work balance, as I stated before I am employed as a 911 Dispatcher working audacious hours and practically working all the time so it can definitely be a challenge at some points but I've managed it so far. It doesn't make it any easier considering I'm also a CTO or Certified Training Officer here so I am always training on the days I work. But somehow I manage to get my work done on time and sometimes ahead of time. 


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